N. List.

Guy Huybrechts' collection of 353 billiard cues.

4 Adam, 4 Adorjan ('La Royale'), 3 Basile, 6 Brauers, 1 Brønnum, 23 Brunswick among which 3 'Monarch', 6 Caro, 1 Carrier et Laumé, 3 'Castor', 1 Doublel, 1 Duqué, 2 eSBee, 7 Finck, 1 Gabriels, 1 Grivaud, 1 Harald Fihl, 16 Hénin Aîné among which 5 'La Victorieuse', 53 Hiolle, 12 Horemans, 5 Laprévote ('La Technique'), 4 Longoni, 5 Olympia, 1 Petersen, 4 Sampaio, 2 Schröder & Kartzke, 1 Seguin, 2 Sté française matériel & accessoires billard ('La Gallia'), 1 'St. Martin', 4 Tremerie, 3 Van de Kerckhove, 68 Van Laere among which 17 'St. Michel', 1 Verheyden, 2 Verhoeven (Mélis-Paramount), 1 Wilden, 2 Wilhelmina, 1 Wolsing, 14 with marquetry and 3 maces. The other cues below, which were in duplicate or whose manufacturers have not been identified,

have been acquired by another collector.

The European cues were manufactured in Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal by 38 makers. They are made of wood , monobloc or in two parts (the butt and the shaft) with a threaded joint) Some have splices of various woods and / or bevels. The butt of the cues with variable weight and / or balance point is made of several parts.

In short, here are a few cues.

A. Marquetry from the 1800's.

These cues bear no signature, as usual at the time.

B. Some cues from the 1900's.

1. Named cues.

1. 'La Royale' ('3-piece', Adorjan, Belgium).


2. 'La Victorieuse' ('4-piece', Hénin Aîné, France).


3. 'La Technique' ('2-piece', Laprévote, France).


4. 'La St-Michel' ('2-piece', Van Laere, Belgium).


5. 'L'Universelle' ('3-piece', Hiolle, France-Germany).


6. 'La Monarch' ('4-piece', Brunswick, France).


7. 'La Gallia' ('2-piece'), Brunswick, France).


8. 'La Reform' ('3-piece', Schröder & Kartzke,Germany).





-- - - -1--- - --2--- --- 3-- .--- 4 -- - - 5-- - .-- 6-- - --- 7- ..-- /--8

Cues 1, 2, 5, 6 et 8 are of variable weight.

2. Cues by makers from various countries.

-- - - -1--- - --2--- - -- 3-- -- - 4 -- - - 5-- - -- 6-- - -- - - 7- -- /--8- - -- - 9 .-- - 10- ...- 11- -- ...-12-...-- 13-..--- 14-...---15.....------16--...- 17-..- . 18--...-- 19

France: Hiolle (1 to 6), Hénin Aîné (7 to 9) and Brunswick (10 and 11). Belgium: Van Laere (12 to 15).Germany: Finck (16 and 17). Portugal: Sampaio (18). Unidentified (19). Cues 6, 12 and 13 are of variable weight.

- Details.

For further information about the cues above, see Section 1. CUES of this site.

C. Here are a few cues of

Pascal Helfer's collection (phelfer@free.fr).

These models complete those already present on the website.

-- Cues bearing the name of the cue maker.

1. ADORJAN (Belgium).

It is characterized by a beadlike cue butt of the same length as the shaft and a wooden dowel joint.

2. BRUNSWICK (France).


An 8-point (uncommon for this manufacturer) whose handle is richly decorated and shaft is made of bird’s-eye maple.


Nice marquetry work: maple and ebony cue butt with maple burl wood veneer. Note the collars at the bottom of the shaft.


The bottom of the cue butt, provided with a white grip, is hexagonal and the 4-point spliced shaft is made of ebony and maple.

3. HIOLLE (France).


Rare cue butt construction combining diverse wood species and a thinner distal part giving the impression that it is bottle-shaped.


Combination of numerous wood species with decorations.


Model with 8 points, referred to as ‘detached’. Bottom of cue butt with mother-of-pearl & wood triangles and ivory & leather bumper.


Model with 8 points, referred to as ‘rich’, with ebony & sorb. The bottom of the cue butt is similar to the one above.


Uncommon 8-point decorations for Hiolle.

Note that c and d models might have been created in the late 1800’s.

4. KLEIN (France).


Rare hexagonal cue butt.


The bottom of the cue can be unscrewed to insert weight rings.

5. LAPRÉVOTE (France).


Cue butt, signed « LL » at the bottom, with the 3 balls characteristic of the firm. It is richly sculpted and decorated both with an escutcheon and mother-of-pearl dots. Above, the bird’s-eye maple cue butt is also signed «La technique Breveté SGDG».


Richly decorated cue butt, with a repetition of the 3 balls at the bottom and around the escutcheon.

6. PROUST with CASTOR sticker.

-- Cues without manufacturers’ names.


7. One-piece cue, with flowery marquetry Napoleon III style.

8. Stick provided with a system converting it into a billiard cue.


Finally, here is a list with the firms appearing on this website, indicating when they were founded and their productions.


Below are listed the firms appearing in this site, as well as their productions and years of foundation.

1816 - Chéreau (France): billiards.

1820 - Hiolle (France): cues.
1828 - Barbier (France): balls, cues, accessories.
1830 - Hénin Aîné (France): balls, more accessories (later).
1830 - Erremus (Belgium): billiards, accessories.
1839 - Finck (Germany) (was still existing in 1919): cues, accessories.
1857 - Toulet (France): billiards.
<1860 Dorfelder (Germany) (was still existing in 1904): billiards, cues, balls.
1862 - Bour (Germany): billiards, cues, balls.
1871 - Wolsing (Germany): billiards.
1880 - Sampaio (Portugal): cues.
1884 - Schröder & Kartzke (Germany): cues, accessories.
1893 - Van de Kerckhove (Belgium): billiards.
1893 - Wilden (The Netherlands, Belgium): billiards, cues.
1894 - Brunswick (France): billiards, cues.
1897 - Proust (France): billiards, cues.
1898 - Thissen (Belgium) shop.
1898 - Wilhelmina (The Netherlands): billiards, cues.
<1900 St. Martin-Palisson (France): billiards, cues, accessories.
<1905 Boetzel (Germany): cues.
1906 - Van Laere (Belgium): billiards, cues.
<1907 Adorjan (Belgium, France): cues.
<1910 Caro (France): billiards, cues (probably).
<1926 Laprévote (France): cues.
<1926 Brauers (Belgium): cues.
1932 - Gabriels (Belgium): billiards.
1945 - Longoni (Italy): cues.
1953 - Horemans (Belgium): billiards.
<1960 Klein (France): cues.
1963 - Corin (Belgium) shop.
<1963 Basile (Belgium): cues.
<1963 Glineur (Belgium)
<1963 Tremerie (Belgium): cues.
1968 - Adam (U.S.A.): cues.
1971 - Verhoeven (Belgium): billiards, cues.
1983 - eSBee (Stany Buyle, Belgium): cues.
19?? - Grivaud (France): ?.
19?? - Duqué (Belgium): ?.
19?? - Carrier & Laumé (France): ?.
<1994 Doublel (Italy): cues.

< stands for before.

All these firms ceased their activities except Thissen, Caro, Wilhelmina, Toulet and the most recent ones, Longoni, Corin, Adam, Verhoeven and eSBee (research in progress for Grivaud, Duqué, Carrier-Laumé, Wolsing, St. Martin-Palisson, Doublel, Seguin and Castor). Carrier & Laumé was bought out by Billards Bréton (France, 1852) around 1980-90.

Part of an advertisement published in LE BILLARD, No. 3, 1879, Belgium.
According to this newspaper, ERREMUS factory is the largest in Belgium at the time.


